Expression of Interest Form - Guyana Invest Application

Guyana Invest EOI Application Form

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Section A General Information

1 - Contact Information

Local Address
Overseas Address

2 - Shareholders & Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO's)

Please enter the fullname and nationality of each director on a separate line in the appropriate fields below.

3 Type of Investment

Sector of Interest (Please select all appropiate.)
Agriculture: agro-processing, aquaculture, production of bio-fuels, non-traditional agricultural development.
Energy: infrastructural development, production of electricity using renewable sources of energy, bio-technology, oil & gas.
Forestry: value added wood processing.
ICT: Information and Communication Technology, not including retail and distribution.
Light Manufacturing: general manufacturing, development and manufacturing of new pharmaceutical products, chemical compounds or the processing of raw materials to produce injectables, textiles and garments, packaging.
Mining: mineral exploration, petroleum exploration, extraction and refining
Services: financial, medical, environmental, educational.
Tourism: resorts, hotels, tour operator.

3 Target Markets

Section B Project Requests

1 - What is your company requesting from the Government of Guyana?

Fiscal Concessions
Assistance with Government Ministries and/or Agencies
Licenses (State type(s)
Seeking markets for products

2 - Project Summary

3 - Project Phase Details

Phase Value of Investment Summary of Activity
Phase 1 *
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Select Currency of Phase Values *

Section C Finance

1 - Project Financing Details

Dollar Amount (GY $)Source of Funding Details - (Evidence that confirms ability to finance the proposed Project.)
EquityBank statement, evidence that equity in land or building owned will be used. Valuation, loan/financing arrangements, etc.
Bank LoanCopy of Loan / Letter of Credit Agreement.
Reinvestments of ProfitsEvidenced from Cash Flow Statement, copy of most recent. Statement of Accounts and/or Tax Return.
Statement from Investor that a given percentage of profits will be reinvested within a specific timeline.
GrantCopy of approval and or disbursement.
Other LoanLoan Agreement, evidence of lender’s ability to fund.

2 - Cash Flow Projections for Company : (Please attach completed table)

Upload Document in Attachments

Note: Please ensure the provision of accurate data. The information supplied in this section will be used to generate a Net Economic Benefit Analysis of the proposed investment and will be the basis of the recommendation for Fiscal Incentives.

3 - Details of Employment to be Generated

Employee LevelNumber of EmployeesExpected Gross SalaryP.A.Y.E. NIS (EE)NIS (ER)
Other Employees
Note: Employee levels are not limited to the job titles given above. Please state all amounts in Guyana Dollars.

Business Plan Checklist

Complete Business Plan

The Business Plan will provide the agency with clear and accurate summary of your business goals and should include but is not limited to:

 Item #ContentDescription
1 Executive Summary Your executive summary should summarize what you expect your business to accomplish. It should outline the company’s mission statement, along with a short description of its products and services. Also explain why you’re starting your company and include details about your experience in the industry you’re entering.
2Description of CompanyShould include key information about your business, your goals and the customers you plan to serve. Your company description should also discuss how your business, its products and services you’re providing will stand out from others in the industry.
3Description of Ownership, Management and OrganizationYour business plan should outline the way that your organization will be set up. You’ll introduce your company owners and managers. An organizational chart can be included. Indicate whether your business will operate as a partnership, a sole proprietorship or a business with a different ownership structure. If you have a board of directors, you’ll need to identify the members.
4Local Content Plan Outline local partner if applicable and indicate percentage of Labour force that is Guyanese.
5Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PlanProvide an articulation of how the external stakeholders of your operations will derive direct and indirect benefits.
6Breakdown of Products and ServicesIf you didn’t incorporate enough facts about your products and services into your company description (since that section is meant to be an overview), it might be a good idea to include extra information about them in a separate section.
7Environmental Impact (if applicable)Give clarity on whether the nature of your operations presents potential environmental risk and how you plan to mitigate them.
8Market AnalysisIn this section, you’ll need to use data and statistics to talk about where the market has been, where it’s expected to go and how your company will fit into it. In addition, you’ll have to provide details about the consumers you’ll be marketing to.
9Competitive Analysis Present a clear comparison of your business to your direct and indirect competitors. You’ll need to show that you know their strengths and weaknesses and you know how your business will stack up.
10 Marketing Plan Describe how you intend to get your products and services in front of potential clients. Pinpoint the steps you’re going to take to promote your products, you’ll need to mention the budget you’ll need to implement your strategies.
11 Sales Plan Specify the number of sales reps you’re planning to hire and how you’ll go about finding them and bringing them on board. You should also include sales targets.
12Project Timeline Provide a realistic timeline to execute this plan, outline important milestones and how they are logically linked to each other.
13 Financials Projected Financial statements for at least 5 Years (With detailed justification of Input figures).

Source of Funding (Bank Letter Addressed to Guyana Invest, Audited Financial Statements, Credit Rating Report ECT.

14 List of Items for duty and tax waiversA comprehensive breakdown of items that is specific to the proposed operations as needed in phases outlined in the Project timeline.

Section D Information & Documents Attached

Upload any supporting documentation and then click Submit to upload and confirm your application submission. Please note saving and updating your progress will not upload supporting documents.
  • Maximum File size allowed is 25 MB
  • File types allowed: .xls, .pdf, .doc, images
  • All files should be properly titled to represent the information included e.g. "CompanyX-2022-BusinessPlan.pdf"

Please appropriately fill-in what is attached, what is being processed and what remains outstanding and its current status).

Information/Documents Details and Status Documents
1. Business Registration/ Certificate of Incorporation

Business Registration

Certificate of Incorporation

2. GRA and VAT Registration / TIN Certificate

GRA registration

VAT Registration

TIN Registration

3. Compliances – GRA Tax and NIS (for existing operations)

Compliances – GRA Tax and NIS

4. Lease / Transport for land (for project location)

Lease / Transport for land

5. Licenses / Permits from EPA, F&D, CH&PA, etc. For Factory, Sawmill, Rice Mill, SFP, etc.

EPA Licenses/Permits

F&D Licenses/Permits

CH&PA Licenses/Permits

Factory Licenses/Permits

Sawmill Licenses/Permits

Rice Mill Licenses/Permits

SFP Licenses/Permits

6. Business Plan (including list of capital items for concession)

Business Plan

7. Source of Funding Documents (Bank statement, loan agreement, cash flow statement, etc.)

Bank Statements

Loan Agreements

Cash flow statement

8. Directors, Shareholders & UBO Names and Photos Please upload a PDF/Word document with the included photos tagged by name, of all the Directors, Shareholders and Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO's)

Shareholders Photos Doc

UBOs Photos Doc

9. Other

Other Documents

(Please select None if all required documents have been attached.)
I agree that I have reviewed my application and the the information submitted is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Upon signature of this document, I further consent to Guyana Invest:
1.Sharing the Project information submitted with relevant Government agencies including the Guyana Energy Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Guyana Forestry Commission, the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission, the National Insurance Scheme, the Guyana Revenue Authority, etc.
2.Performing due diligence research on the Client and the Project, and taking reasonable steps to ensure the Client and the Project, are familiar and compliant with the Laws of Guyana.

Please ensure the provision of accurate data, as project progress monitoring will be conducted against the details provided herein as well as the details contained in subsequent proposals.

After an Investment Agreement is executed, the terms of the agreement may be enforceable for a period of five years, pursuant to Section 36 of the Customs Act, Chapter 82:01.